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Happy belated new year! I wish you had a cozy, relaxing and fun Christmas and new year even though we are still in the difficult situation with this Pandemic.

One of the good thing last year was I finally managed to join the event at Ringo no Ki. There were flower market by Florist flyers, hand made Jewelry by stonej.e and leather products! It was such a lovely day with sunny beautiful weather and quite many people came.
年末には店舗を持たない人気のお花屋さんFlorist flyers さん、天然石をふんだんに使ったジュエリー作家のStonej.eさんとともに、センス抜群、居心地抜群のギャラリー、林檎の木さんにて1日マーケットに参加させていただきました。お天気も良く、気持ちの良い空気の中沢山の方にお越しいただきました。

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